
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Thing Called a Blog

I am not sure how many people are still with me out there, but for whomever is I certainly do appreciate the support.  Really I applaud you and appreciate you as I think you must have a great sense of curiosity and interest in learning.  I have never had a blog before, and would be surprised if I did again as it takes doing something like working in Rwanda to inspire the writing.  I have had lots of great comments and for a while thought I was responding to them via e-mail, until I noticed the address was the person’s name and followed by “no reply,” leading me believe my responses went out into cyber space somewhere.  I also tried to post a comment to the comments, but for some reason that didn’t work either. I apologize if there is a way to respond to the comments and I haven’t figured it out. I have been trying in the postings to answer some of the questions that were in the comments and for some still intend to. 
You may have noticed a new look to the page and that was in order to add a page for, Rochester Montessori School’s Birches Classroom, of which my niece Maddie is a member and to whom I turned over design duty.  So far it has been really enjoyable to have this connection as they ask interesting questions that I would not have thought of for me to answer.  It is actually worth a look in general as they have inspired me to try harder and get more photos posted.  I did, however, cause a small riot in the market as my neighborhood friends and I went there to take pictures of food and it did not go over very well as, understandably, most adults do not want their photo taken.  Children, on the other hand, just about climb over each other to be in a photo as I think for many it is very unlikely anyone in their family has a camera and it is a novelty.

So…this thing called a blog.  Thank you again as I do appreciate the support and while you all are having a doozy of a winter I hope the tropical pictures of Rwanda warm you a bit.  Here are a few more. 


  1. I'm with you Erin! It's all good and interesting. Your writing is great! Keep it up! Stay Safe! M.

  2. Thanks! I think I will keep going, even if it is down to a few family members as it is a record of time spent here.

  3. Ms. Fish, yes, please, keep the blog going! I desperately need this blog. I love the above photo of the bicycles.

  4. Thanks Amy! I think you would love such an experience as this. It is fun, challenging, and seemingly productive. You may not have to wait until Maya is in college, as some folks volunteer with their family! A collegue of mine is here with her husband and two primary school aged boys. So...something to think about.
